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[[i am]]
the one who come hath forth to 'tis world on xx September 19xx(wakakakak), and currently studyeth in the United Kingdoms. Any other related information to me is as listed below. Information NOT listed is simply non of your business. Thank you. ^^

nice food
-ASIAN food
-NICE asian food
horse riding
theatre plays
any many more.....

prism camera
and many more...

[the past]
February 2007 March 2007 June 2007 September 2007 August 2008
[my friends]
|Julia (dumdum)|(julia's going to want my head for this XD)


designed by mariam and hayat artwork by deviant artist s-yl.
designed by |`f| sHaDoW |`s|
words running on the bottom, along the loading bar by me(crescentmoon)

Sunday 25 February 2007

Argghh!! I just realised that after all the effort I put in into correcting some stuuf in the format of the blog, it won't work properly on Windows Explorer and Morzilla Firefox!!! It only works perfectly in CRAZY BROWSER!!!!!! And even as I'm saying this, I wonder how many people go actually "oohh, I think I actually know that!". AHA! Caught you there didn't I? BLEH!!! And those words I wrote down there.... sobs... all...wasted....
Errors in:
Windows Explorer: the words don't go all the way back like in Crazy Browser. Thus the effect I wanted is lost.
Morzilla Firefox: not onyl the words are NOT appearing, but even the scroll colours are back to default, and the song doesn't make an appearance!!!

Sigh... I'm ranting, so you better get used to it. I always rant. Online anyway. hnn... oh, and yes, today, we-Anderson, Jolyn, Julia and I- went to the London Fashion Weekend in corporation with GRAZIA at South Kensington, and what can I say? It was wonderful! There were so many pretties(ahh... too many to decide from...) and I ended up buying only one thing! Oh Julia bought two, and Jolyn none. That's for the girls anyway. We also bought a 4 pound goodie bag which contained 2 magazines, one TONI&GUY hairspray(mine was a refresher shampoo, which I have no inkling as to the usage; just that it sounds useful and you go "whoa...that's cool"), one biscuit, and a purple eyeshadow. Overall, it was pretty much worth it. :)

Whatever we did after that is not much of worth of mention for I do fear that with my monotone writing, it would bore you to eternal damnation ah..sleep :).

Oh, before I let you ask me the question(I FORESAW IT!! WAHAHHAHA), I'll post little photos linking to full versions below here. IF it works that is (hohoho~)


You know what? I'll post the pictures next time ^^ I'm too lazy occupied right now. ^^ jya ne!

played out at

Saturday 24 February 2007

Ah... It's so nice when you just have a free day to yourself-like today! We(Julia and I) had nothing on our schedules for today, which simply is a bliss(thank GOD!). We didn't need to go out for any form of meeting, though they may be enjoyable, they are still quite tiring, and for that, I'm grateful to God.

So! I slept in really late today, only waking up at 1.50pm O.O but who cares! I'm going to sleep with a vengeance after sleeping only >4hours a day for the past few days!! WAHAHAHHAH!!! ...ehem. *cough cough* So, we ate stif fried noodles for lunch(and breakfast for me), which tasted...below Asian standards, but for the English standard, I guess you can say it was pretty good... I think what made it bad was that the beef was lacking of the usual marinate that we use at home, thus there was a strong smell that usually comes with tough poultry like beef and pork. If we ignore the beef factor though, I think it was pretty ok.

What did we then do after lunch? We shared the internet of course! I spent alot of time searching for suitable skins and finally stumbled upon a few that I approve of. ^~^ happy!

However, I do think that in a few weeks time, this blog will be simply devoid of any ah...newer news =D. It's really too much of a bother to update regularly. Nyakakakkak!

Hehe, oh and yesterday, I finally signed up for a phone line in O2 under Nic's name (as jolyn dubbed 'papa' hohoho), and I hope to receive the phone by Wednesday!!! My current credit left is 0.17 pounds =D good right?.... Don't look at me like that!! Julia only has 5 pence left!!! That's like 12 pence less than me!!!!! *huffs in indignation*

hmm... but...*throws a stone in the "audience*..............................

....ahhh...what a resounding echo. No one's there. Oh well, I'll just eat my cookies myself. No need to share. Nyakakkakka... Just lil' ol' me by myself... how very comforting....


played out at
